12 Apr North South Style on Design, Motherhood and Nanny Care
Today The Nanny Collective sits down with none other than North South Style—the sister design duo who began by sharing images of fashion inspiration with one another on social media — and will in the near future be launching their very own website to support their growing following. The website is set to showcase their creativity and newest collaborations. Today they share with us their experiences of design, motherhood and more importantly, nanny care!
Living on opposite ends of the earth — North (Tristen) in Hong Kong and South (Rochnee) in Sydney — the sisters continue to share the ups and downs of their lives with one another through the joint use of their Instagram account —and of course, the occasional visit!
Tell us a little about your lives growing up. What roles did you both have in your family?
N+S: It’s just the two of us. We had a very close family growing up. South being the big sister had the rebel heart, was tall and lanky, the funny one. North, being the younger sister was more the quieter, reserved and sporty one of the two. I suppose the term ‘Straighty 180’ springs to mind.
How would you describe your relationship?
N+S: We are close. We make sure we are always honest with each other. We share our joys of personal achievement and motherhood. As with any sister relationship we have had our ups and downs, but as we are both so different we appreciate one another’s points of difference and value one another’s life experiences.
How did North South Style come to be?
N+S: We had been pinning in Pinterest like mad on a secret board for a year before the inception began. Mainly interiors, fashion, jewellery, kids stuff and all round cool things. As we were hanging by a plunge pool in Koh Samui we wanted the conversation to keep going while we were apart. We love sharing some of our pictures on Instagram and keep a conversation going through photos.
Who is your single most inspiring fashion designer or style icon?
South: I don’t have a single one. I love pulling looks from a range of fashion bloggers (Song of Style, Tuula Vintage are my two of my favs) & celebrities (Boho Nicole Richie & super slick Victoria Beckham).
North: Ok so I’m obsessed with Kate Middleton, I know, I know, everyone thinks she is boring. But I love her, her style; I do like to see her and what she is wearing. Her hair is just goddam perfect; maybe it’s more a hair crush! Hello! Blogs to love and follow from stylish mamas Kiri Vasales from BazaarMumma and Rozalia Russian from Rozalia_Russian.
Do you have a job—aside from being a mother of course?
North: I’m a graphic designer by trade; Owner and Art Director of my own studio called Jones+Druce. But I also spent nearly 8 years working in editorial for Australia’s largest media agencies.
South: I work for a large corporation as a delivery executive.
Do you or have you ever used a nanny/babysitter?
North: We are fortunate here in Hong Kong to have a live-in nanny. My children love her and she has become apart of the family.
South: My mister goes to day care & our grand parents love to come and spend time with our bebe.
In what ways has having a nanny helped you and your family?
North: My husband travels a lot for work so it’s also nice to know I have help and a back up when he is away. We are also able to head out without the kids for dinner or a movie more easily and the kids don’t get upset because the nanny is a constant within the home.
How is your child’s relationship with their nanny?
North: We are so lucky, as our nanny is very intuitive and reiterates our family values and rules. She copies my parenting and makes sure our children are using their words explaining their needs, also makes sure polite gestures are still used. Our nanny therefore has a wonderful relationship with our children, they know she is just an extension of my husband and I.
Would you recommend families with the means use a nanny and why?
North: I think using a nanny is best for a variety of different reasons and living in Hong Kong it is a must due to the lack of childcare options. If both parents are working long hours then a nanny may be the best option.
What are your greatest challenges as a mum?
South: Evolving. Making sure I’m growing as a mother as he grows and his needs change.
North: I have two children so trying to divide my time evenly and equally between each of them. I tune-in and try and figure out if one is needing more alone time with me, I’m certain to make sure we have one on one time together. Sometimes they fight for your attention so when that is starting to happen I try and get them to spend time together and playing together.
What are your most treasured memories of motherhood?
North: The birth, seeing my little ones for the first time was just the most magical experience. Holding them in my arms and knowing that we have each other through this life is so phenomenal!
South: When he says out of nowhere & I’m not in the same room – “Mummy I love you!”
How can we find out more about North South Style?
N+S: In 2016, we will be launching our first website, which will be a better offering for our North South Style followers. On the site, we will be showcasing more content and collaboration’s. So stay tuned!