25 Aug Preparing for school holidays when you’re a WAHM (work at home mum)
There’ so much to love about being a work at home mum (WAHM) but there’s also a lot to loathe when school holidays roll around (as they so frequently do!). It doesn’t have to be so stressful though – there are a myriad of way to prepare yourself and your family to not only survive, but thrive during the busy school holiday periods.
Hire a short-term babysitter
Many work at home mums still enjoy the freedom and flexibility to do school drop off and pick up and don’t have a need for any extra help to care for their kids during the term. Yet, when the school holidays start, it can be tricky to be as proactive and productive as you’d normally be when you suddenly have an audience who want your every attention.
The ideal way to combat this situation is to hire a short-term carer, such as a babysitter. Not only can they mind your children while you work, they can also ensure a fun two weeks and arrange outings. This way the kids don’t have to spend their holidays stuck at home while Mum is working.
Specialist babysitter agencies will be able to assist you in finding the perfect carer for your children. You’ll be reassured knowing they have all undergone all necessary safety checks, possess a driver’s license and first aid qualifications and come with impeccable references.
Budget Blues? Why not Nanny-share?
It’s no secret childcare is expensive. One way to combat the rising costs of care is to nanny-share with your friends. This is when two families come together to split the costs of hiring a nanny to look after their combined children. Generally, it can be quite a flexible arrangement, with the ability to switch between the family homes as it suits.
Popular because of its affordability, it’s also a great way to introduce a variety of play mates into your children’s lives in the holidays. You’ll also be reassured knowing the Nanny will come with all the necessary safety checks completed as well as possess all the qualifications you’d expect from an experienced child carer.
Child Swap
It’s often said it takes a village to raise a child. Why not put this saying into practice and assemble your own tribe who will help you navigate your commitments as a WAHM during the school holidays? After all, no one else understands better the working mum struggle than a fellow WAHM!
Make arrangements with friends to take turns of looking after each other’s children. These play dates will not only allow one parent the freedom to work uninterrupted but also give the children an event to look forward to. Or perhaps you can arrange to pick up your friend’s children one day a week from school in return for looking after your children for a few days in the holidays. Whatever the agreement, parents are each other’s best allies and can make a huge difference to the life of a WAHM during school holidays.
Grandparents to the rescue
Speaking of villages, another option to assist a work at home mum with her workload while the kids are on school holidays is to enlist the help of grandparents. If they are retired and live close by (and are willing to miss a week or golf, bridge or bowls!) this would definitely prove to be an affordable solution to your childcare woes. Alternatively, if the grandparents live away, you could either encourage them to plan a visit to coincide with school holidays, or arrange for yourself or your partner to travel with the children to their home and let them have a holiday at Grandma and Grandpa’s.
Vacation Care
Designed to assist families who require care for their primary school aged children during school holidays, this is just like day care, but is only run during the vacation period. Many schools will have a Vacation Care program established which includes activities to meet the social and recreational needs of the children, and often can include special events and excursions. You could also be eligible for a Government rebate to help with the cost of this care.
If you can’t beat them, join them!
If you’ve exhausted all your options and run out of credits with family and friends to look after your children during school holidays while you work, why not make the most of the enforced stop work situation and plan a family holiday?
Like to know more about how we can help make your life as a WAHM easier during school holidays? Let’s talk today to discuss our many affordable nanny and babysitter options and how they can help you navigate the school holidays stress free!